How to Take Cuttings from Mint
Get everything ready before you take cuttings from mint, as the sprigs will wilt quickly. To take cuttings from mint, use sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut stems about 3 to 5 inches (8-10 cm.) long. Remove at least two or three leaves from the lower part of the stem but leave the top leaves intact. New growth will appear at the nodes. The ideal time to grow mint from cuttings is when the plant is in full growth in late spring or early summer, before the plant begins to bloom. Be sure the plant is healthy and free of pests and disease.
How to Root Mint in Water
For mint cutting propagation in water, stick the cuttings in a clear vase or jar with about an inch (2.5 cm.) of water in the bottom. Place the cuttings where they are exposed to bright, indirect light. Replace the water whenever it begins to look brackish. Once the roots are a few inches (8 cm.) long, plant the cutting in a pot filled with potting mix. You want the roots to be thick and healthy, but don’t wait too long because the cuttings will have a harder time adjusting to the new environment. Usually a couple of weeks is about right.
How to Root Mint in Potting Soil
Fill a small pot with moistened commercial potting soil. Be sure the pot has a drainage hole, as the cuttings are likely to rot in waterlogged soil. At this point, you can dip the bottom of the stems in rooting hormone. However, mint roots easily and this step generally isn’t necessary. Poke a hole in the moist potting mix with your pinky finger or the eraser end of a pencil. Insert the cutting into the hole and firm the potting mix gently around the cutting. You can safely put several cuttings in the same pot but space them far enough apart that the leaves aren’t touching. Keep the cuttings in indirect sunlight until they show new growth. Water as needed to keep the potting mix lightly moist, but never saturated. Once the cuttings are rooted, you can leave them as is or you can move each cutting into its own pot. If you intend to plant the mint outside wait until you’re sure the cuttings are well established.