No matter your specific location, the following applies to you. March is a great time to add annual flowers, some bedding plants, and summer blooming bulbs. Remember to plant appropriate shrubs, fruits, and vegetables.  When choosing the best time to plant various varieties this year, consider the weather forecast and the protection you’ll need to provide for seedlings and young plants. This aspect varies from year to year. Check the best planting dates as indicated by your favorite almanac. This can often be narrowed down by your zip code when checking online.

Planting Calendar for March

You can plant beans, tomatoes, squash, and corn in March, depending on your location in the southeast. While those in Florida might plant during the first week of the month, more northern gardeners can wait until the middle or even the end of the month. Take advantage of plants and seeds labeled for early or late crops to get even more specific.

Growing Herbs in the Southeast

Many herbs flourish when planted this month, including the popular ginger root. Plant an herb garden or take advantage of their aroma as pest control by growing them throughout the vegetable garden. For instance, Dill repels spider mites, aphids, the cabbage looper and squash bugs. Many herbs flower and can be planted in beds and borders with other blooms. In March, plant:


What to Plant in March 

If cooler weather continues you still have time for leafy greens to produce a crop. These can even take a touch of frost. To avoid early bolting, plant seeds in morning sun and afternoon shade. Plant in succession and harvest at any stage of growth for interesting salad combinations and stir frys:

Swiss chardKaleSpinachLeaf Lettuce (many varieties)

Some root crops do well in cooler temperatures, like beets, carrots and onions. Plant a second crop of turnips now and tasty radishes to include in your salads. You can start these crops when temperatures are above freezing, which is March in many areas of the Southeast. Remember to side-dress with nitrogen rich compost or other organic fertilizer.  Include:

BroccoliCabbageCorn (when soil temps reach 60 degrees F)CucumbersPeas (Sugar Snaps like some cool weather)Asparagus

Flower Planting Tips for Southeastern Gardeners

The southern garden wouldn’t be the same without a wealth of beautiful blooms. Your planting calendar for March provides many choices. It’s the perfect time for planting summer blooming bulbs, like dahlia, peacock lilies, and many others. Add exotic blooms in containers, like

MandevillaVerbenaPentaCupheaRuellia (wild petunia)Heliotrope Wax begonia Planting Calendar For March  Tips For Southeastern Gardeners - 19