When Should I Repot Yucca?

Don’t be in a hurry to repot a yucca; the plant performs well when its roots are slightly crowded. In fact, some yucca enthusiasts joke that the time to repot is when the roots become so large that they break the pot. If that seems a little drastic, you can repot the plant when you see roots growing out of the drainage hole. Yucca is definitely ready for repotting when water runs straight through the pot without wetting the soil, or when roots are matted on top of potting mix.

How to Repot My Yucca Plant

Water the plant the day before repotting. When you’re ready to repot the yucca, fill a slightly larger pot about one-third or half full with a mixture of three parts peat moss and one part sand. Remove the yucca carefully from the pot and loosen compacted roots with your fingers. Place the plant in the new pot and adjust the soil level so the plant is seated at the same soil depth as it was in the previous container. Fill in around the roots with potting mix and pat the mix lightly to remove air pockets. Water the plant deeply and let it drain thoroughly.

Yucca Repotting Tips

Place the yucca in a shady location for two weeks so the plant can adjust to its new growing environment, then move the plant to its normal location and resume normal care. Some yucca varieties have strong spikes with sharp, pointed ends. If you’re repotting this type of plant, use caution and be sure to place it in a safe location where it won’t injure pets or children.

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