Reasons for Brown Leaves on Houseplants

Houseplants are special because they’re kept in an unnatural environment. They depend upon you for everything nature would normally give them and they let you know when you slip up. Brown leaves on indoor plants almost always means that the plants are getting too much or too little of something important. Light – One very common problem with indoor plants is a lack of light. If your plant isn’t getting enough light, its leaves will start to turn brown. If the brown leaves are on the side of the plant facing away from the light source, you can be pretty sure this is the problem. Water – Too little water is another frequent reason for brown leaves on indoor plants. In this case, the browning and curling usually starts at the base of the plant and moves up. Humidity – Lack of humidity is another common problem, and one people don’t usually think of. Tropical plants, especially, need more humidity than a home is likely to give them. This usually causes the leaves to brown just at the tips. Try misting your plant with water or setting the pot in a dish of small stones and water. Heat – Too much heat can also be a problem and tends to lead to leaves that brown, curl, and fall off. This problem tends to come with too little water or too much sun, so try making those changes first. You can also move the plant to a spot where it receives better air circulation.

Caring for Houseplants with Brown Leaves

So what do you do when leaves on houseplant turn brown? Simple. In most cases, pinpointing the cause and remedying it will correct the issue. In the meantime, you can cut away the brown foliage and discard it. Once the causal agent has been fixed, new healthier foliage should begin to take its place.

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