About the Zulu Prince Daisy Plant
Also known as cape daisy and monarch of the veld, this is a truly stunning, regal flower. The flowers are classic daisy in shape, and about 3 to 4 inches (8-10 cm.) across. The petals are mostly white with rings of purple and orange close to the black center of the flower. Zulu Prince flowers grow up to 2 feet (61 cm.) tall with pretty silvery foliage. Like all cultivars of African daisy, the Zulu Prince originated in southern Africa, a hot, dry climate. It prefers full sun, soil that doesn’t get too wet and can tolerate drought better than many other flowers. You can use Zulu Prince flowers anywhere you have the right conditions, but they work especially well in spots where you have a hard time growing other plants due to dry soil. Stick it in those tough locations and watch it thrive.
Growing Zulu Prince Flowers
With the conditions these flowers prefer, Zulu Prince is easy to grow and low maintenance. Choose a spot that is sunny and won’t collect water. You can start seeds indoors, planting them to a depth of 1/8 of an inch (3 mm.) or use transplants. Don’t water these plants very often. Let the soil dry out. Pinch back shoots as needed to maintain a bushy shape and deadhead flowers as they fade. You can keep the seed heads to use next year. Just pluck them off and store in a paper bag. Shake the bag to loosen the dried seeds. If your conditions are too wet or cool for growing Zulu Prince, plant them in containers. You can move them around to catch more sun and avoid excess rain. If you have a sunny, warm window they’ll grow well indoors too.